RVing With Kids: The Ultimate Guide

Summer’s finally here! Now that school is out, it seems like the perfect time to bond with your kids over new adventures. And what better way to do so than with a much-needed vacation together?

A family road trip offers you the freedom to explore exciting places while keeping the comforts of home close. You get to create long-lasting memories and experiences during the expedition—not to mention how much you save on accommodation costs. However, RVing with kids is not all fun and games. Spending days on end in a cramped space with the whole pack may lead to tension, and keeping everyone entertained on the road can definitely become a big challenge you'll need to tackle head-on.

But don’t let the possible obstacles deter you from enjoying a few family-friendly cross-country travel days here and there throughout the year. If you're looking forward to hitting the road soon, here's what you'll need for a smooth journey.

7 Top Tips for RVing With Kids

Traveling with children in an RV can have you facing a few bumps in the road if you don't plan ahead. At some point, you might end up questioning your judgment—or even your sanity. The following tips and tricks will help you prevent disaster while on the road. This way, you and your family are more likely to have an unforgettable RV journey every time.

1. Choose the Right Size RV

The ideal RV for your trip ​​should feel like a home away from home, and here's where size is of utmost importance. Too small, and you risk feeling cramped and claustrophobic. Too large, on the other hand, and you might find yourself maneuvering through tight roads and parking spaces or struggling with higher fuel costs.

A good rule of thumb is to carefully compare the layout of your options before making any decisions. You'll want to opt for an RV that provides separate sleeping areas or at least enough space to create some privacy for both kids and adults. Doing so can help maintain a sense of personal space and keep everyone feeling as comfortable as humanly possible while away.

2. Stay Organized

A messy environment can negatively impact your state of mind. In the confined space of an RV, every inch counts, and clutter can quickly pile up if not managed effectively. To prevent this, start by designating specific storage areas for different categories of items, such as:

  • Clothes
  • Toys
  • Tech
  • Kitchen supplies
  • Gear for outdoor activites

Practicality is key when organizing an RV. Using bins, baskets, and collapsible canisters will help you maximize space and keep everyone’s belongings secure during travel. Labeling these containers can also make it easier to locate items quickly.

You can also choose an RV with multi-functional furniture and storage solutions that serve multiple purposes—like beds with storage underneath or fold-down tables that can double as game night stations and dining areas. On top of this, installing hooks, racks, and additional shelving to optimize the vertical space in your RV can also provide extra storage and help keep things tidy.

3. Keep Things Age Appropriate

A huge part of RVing with kids is making sure that everyone, from toddlers to teens, can fully enjoy and participate in the experience. Keep in mind that each age group comes with its own set of needs, interests, limitations, etc.. That's why tailoring activities and destinations accordingly is key to success here.

If you’re traveling with younger children, for example, consider shorter travel distances between stops and bathroom breaks to minimize restlessness. Also, choose destinations that offer playgrounds and nature trails where they can burn off energy.

Older kids may appreciate opportunities for more autonomy and social interaction. Picking RV parks or campgrounds that offer them the chance to make friends and partake in fun activities is an excellent idea. Remember to remain flexible and open to spontaneous moments too!

4. Have Plenty of On-the-Road Entertainment Ideas

Hitting the road can be pretty exciting for adults, but for kids, it gets old and boring pretty quickly. To keep everyone entertained during long stretches of travel in an RV, you’ll need to think of a variety of activities and bring the right supplies.

Card games like Uno or Go Fish are great options for some fun quality time during long rides or while relaxing at the campsite. Plus, they’re easy to play at the dining table or on a makeshift game surface. If that doesn't tickle your fancy, having storytelling sessions where each family member contributes to a shared narrative is another fun way to pass the time.

You can also encourage your younger companions to get artsy and make crafts with recycled materials they find on board. Family journaling is another engaging activity that allows you and your little ones to create a meaningful keepsake of the trip. Have your children document their experiences and observations in a shared journal or individual notebooks.

If your children are more tech-savvy, though, you can always resort to game apps and digital entertainment. Moderate screen time can be a real lifesaver when boredom strikes.

Children require a sense of stability and comfort amidst the excitement of travel. That’s why you should aim to keep their routine intact—or as similar to the one they have back home as possible.

Try to stick to regular breakfast, lunch, and dinner schedules. This consistency will give them predictability, which can be reassuring in a new environment. But how can you achieve this? Some important aspects to consider here are:

  • Planning familiar and easy-to-prepare meals
  • Incorporating favorite snacks and treats
  • Make dining times fun for everyone
  • Removing tech from the dining table

Assigning chores and responsibilities can also contribute to a structured routine. Give your kids age-appropriate tasks such as tidying up the RV and helping with meal preparation. When it comes to sleeping, aim to establish downtime activities like reading or quiet play before bed. Also, limit screen time to specific periods during the day, hyping outdoor activities and creative play as alternatives.

6. Make a Well-Rounded Yet Flexible Itinerary

Having a travel itinerary is crucial for making the most of your RV trip. It will help you make sure you don’t miss out on any exciting destinations or activities. Not having a general outline of what you want to do or achieve daily also makes it much harder to manage travel time.

The biggest tip here is not to be too rigid with your plans. Changes in weather or road conditions may require you to adjust your schedule, or your kids may need more stops than you initially considered when building your day's itinerary. As mentioned earlier, try to leave room for spontaneity along the way—who knows what hidden gems you might discover!

7. Create a Safe Haven for Your Kids

When traveling with kids, no matter how old they are, meltdowns are a constant threat to the family fun. To prevent them, keep your children as comfortable and secure as you can at all times, and give them their own space to unwind when they feel overwhelmed or need a break.

Despite the confined space, there are ways to carve out personal areas that give children a sense of privacy. Consider decorating their bunk room or designating a specific wall space for each child so they can display personal items.

Make sure to involve them in decorating decisions. It’s as simple as letting them choose their own bedding, pillows, decorations, etc. The goal here is to allow them to reflect their individual tastes and interests so that they feel more at home.

Embark on the Adventure of a Lifetime

RVing with kids can seem daunting, especially if you’re new to it. However, it’s a fun experience that will allow you to bond over different interests while you enjoy a pleasant vacation. Keep in mind that kids are only little for so long, and the moments spent together create beautiful memories that will last a lifetime. The guide above will give you some helpful pointers to make your RV trips a resounding success!

Traveling with kids in an RV can be filled with unexpected challenges, though. From spills and stains to more significant mishaps like scratches or dents, children's playful and curious nature can sometimes lead to unintended accidents that could cost you a pretty penny in repairs. In such cases, purchasing a protection plan can provide peace of mind and financial security. At America's RV Warranty, we protect everything from towables to motorhomes to give you peace of mind if anything breaks. If you're ready for your next adventure, reach out to us today!

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